
Friday, August 20, 2010

After Chemo and shot

Well, the Neulasta shot wasn't too bad. It didn't make my bones hurt. I was tired the next day which was Thursday. But today I feel great. I had a head ache yesterday too. I still can't taste things like normal. Some things taste ok. I ate an ego with syrup tonight and it taste pretty good. Coke taste funny. So I drink water and ginger ale. I have been drinking 64 oz of water a day. I usually on drink 32 oz if that much.
I got double dose on my expander today. Since I haven't had one in 2 wks he doubled it. It feels tight but doesn't hurt yet. It's only been two hours. I hope it doesn't start to hurt.
I go Thursday to get blood work done to see how my white blood count is doing so far.
We are going to Knoxville tomorrow to look at wigs and get me one (Maybe).

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Well, Jeff & I went to my first chemo treatment yesterday Aug. 17th. We got there about 9:50am and saw Foust first well after I had to have weight, temp, and b/p checked. And needle with tube hanging out put in too. Well, it did hurt. The nurse said "she would tell me before she stuck me and when she did I would need to take a deep breath and not move." She told and I did as she asked. She said sorry three times while sticking me with the needle. The second time she said it is when it really hurt bad not enough  to bring tears but very close. 
Doctor went over everything again. Then off to get first treatment.
We got to choose where to set and Jeff told me to pick. So, I picked over in the farthest corner. We watched a 10 min video, listen to nurse practitioner and to nurse about my treatments. I got hooked up to a clear fluid which contained steroid, anti-nausea and something else. Then they put the Cytoxan 1170 mg and it took 30 mins. Once that was done she came over with Adriamycin 117mg (red devil).  She had a shield over her face and gloves on to help protect her. This stuff can eat your skin if it sits still. As long as it is moving in blood stream it if OK. So she had 2 large syringes full of it and had to manually push it in my IV so if it leaked or I had reaction to it she could stop. While all this was going on and before. Jeff was making me laugh and keeping happy. He made me laugh until I cried. It was really cool. I told him tragedy happens and what do we do? Laugh! It was grand. We joked about me being nuclear and reddish kool-aid pee due to the red devil. The Nurse Prac. said that if Katrina happens or something like that to grab the book she gave me with all my info in it. Later on, Jeff said yeah leave the kids but grab that book.HA!HA!
At the end, the nurse asked some questions and before we left I got them to get Dr to get me a wig prescription. We left and went to grab a bit to eat. It had took about 2 hrs. to do actual treatment. We ate around 2pm or little before. We went to Burger King. Well, no one said things would taste funny. The Dr. Pepper taste like metal or tarter sauce. It was nasty. I tried 3 times but couldn't drink it. Jeff told me to go pour it out and get something else but try it before I complete fill it up. So went over and looked over all the chooses. I chose Sprite and it taste almost normal. The fries with ketchup taste funny and so did the chicken sandwich with no lettuce. But I ate one tomato oops.

We were able to get home by 3pm before kids got home. 

I felt great all afternoon and all night. My pupils were very tiny and I felt kinda weird or high. My eyes kinda of hurt like I had been reading too much. I had to take Tylenol this morning due to head ache. It hurt from my eyes all the way over the top to the bottom of my head like a ^ shape. You know. Hurt burn this morning so I am drinking ginger ale which really helps me. other than that it been great so far. I woke up at 3am and couldn't go back to sleep. nervous about this Neulasta which helps my immune system. It makes your bones ache. I go @1pm today.